Welcome to affordable healthcare in the free market.

Transparent pricing. No hidden fees. No surprise bills.

The Direct Care Model Option

A direct care practice is an innovative yet traditional way to run a medical practice free of third party involvement. Patients pay a reasonable fee for their care at the time of their visit. In this model, we do not work for insurance companies or the government. We work for our patients.

Our Benefits

Expert Care

Be confident knowing you will always be seen by our Board Certified Dermatologist.

Price Transparency

No guessing games. No surprise bills. Our online pricing is readily available here

Save Money

Save money on prescriptions through our in-office dispensing pharmacy as well as specially negotiated pricing on labs and pathology through Quest Diagnostics.

Appointment Availability

Same week appointments will be available. No more waiting to see a Board Certified Dermatologist. Convenient, online scheduling coming soon.

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